Boy skinny dip

Únos domu
IMDb 7.1/10  (55)
RFF 4.9/10  (7)
SC 2.8/10 

Year: 2002
Country: Czech Republic
Actors and Actresses: Vojtech Kotek, Nela Výborná, Pavel Dytrt, Jan Cina, Hana Kusnjerová, Jack Miabuona, Matej Nechvátal, Kristina Adamcová
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: A boy of roughly thirteen years is kidnapped. Soon thereafter, he escapes his captors and finds himself living with a family that homes foster children. Will he end up staying there or going back to live with the parents who basically neglected him in the first place? - CVMC
Movie added at: 08.05.2020


'Únos domu'

Little Darlings
IMDb 6.5/10  (6 594)
RFF 5.4/10  (7)
SC 8.1/10 

Year: 1980
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Tatum O'Neal, Matt Dillon, Cynthia Nixon, Olivia Maxwell, Jenn Thompson, Krista Errickson, Jonathan Maxwell
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: Fifteen year olds Ferris Whitney and Angel Bright meet when they attend the same summer camp and are assigned the bunks next to each other in the same cabin. It's hate at first sight as they are seemingly polar opposites: romantic and literate Ferris comes from a wealthy and thus privileged background, while streetwise and chain-smoking Angel is from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks. But they share one similarity: they are both virgins, the only ones of their age in their cabin. Due to pressure from their cabin mates, most specifically the aggressive Cinder Carlson, the two enter into a bet on who will lose their virginity first and by the end of the summer. Ferris, who initially seems more interested in the pursuit of the opposite sex, quickly sets her sights on Gary Callahan, the much older coach at the camp. But Angel finds her own target, namely Randy Adams, an equally streetwise boy attending the camp across the lake. The process becomes a bonding exercise for the two girls, who take divergent paths to their end goal and in dealing with the aftermath of the alleged big events. - IMDb
Movie added at: 07.05.2020

'Little Darlings'

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